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Neurodivergent-Affirming Report Writing

typing on a laptop

Lately we've been thinking about report writing for Neurodivergent students. Report writing is a necessary part of providing care for Neurodivergent clients. We are duty-bound to maintain comprehensive records in accordance with applicable guidelines HCPC Standards of Proficiency

As Neurodivergent-Affirming SLTs, we see reports time after time that are written through a Medical Model lens which are full of deficit-based language. As professionals we should reflect on our reports and ask ourselves some key questions:

  • If this report was describing myself or a loved one, how would I feel about the language used?

  • If my client read this would I feel comfortable with how I described them and their needs?

  • Does this report describe the supports the person needs?

  • Does the language assign judgment? Is it shaming? Pathologising? De-humanising?

  • Does the report accurately describe their strengths and difficulties? Has sufficient attention been given to their strengths as well as their needs?

Instead of this...

Try this...

Has Autism, ASD, ASC

Is Autistic, is formally identified as being Autistic

Mild / moderate / severe language difficulties

Language difficulties (specify the difficulties)

Social Communication Disorder

Has characteristics of Autistic communication, has social communication differences, socialises differently to their non-Autistic peers

Poor attention, inattentive

Has attention differences characteristic of Neurodivergent / Autistic children, attended best when interested in....

Meaningless / aimless / purposeless play

Autistic children have a preference for parallel play and interaction. What we might see is that the child prefers to sit side-by-side, share the space with other peers, connect through shared activity, and comment on what they are doing.

On their own agenda

Autistic children have a preference for parallel play and interaction. What we might see is that the child prefers to sit side-by-side, share the space with other peers, connect through shared activity, and comment on what they are doing.

Repeats words and phrases without meaning

Communicates through echolalia. Although communicative intention may not be clear, it is important to understand that echolalia often conveys the child's emotions, needs, or ideas. It can also serve as a form of self-regulation.

Monologues, goes off on tangents, poor reciprocity

Uses longer conversational turns and info-dumps. This is characteristic of Autistic communication and is a way to share information and connect with people.

Blunt, abrupt, rude

X is a direct communicator, uses language efficiently to express needs and opinions which has executive functioning benefits due to the cognitive, physical, emotional, and sensory labour that goes into communicating a message.

​Flat affect

Uses neutral facial expressions

Poor / unusual eye-contact

Prefers to use reduced levels of eye-contact. Their eyes moved around the room when they speak which is characteristic of Autistic interaction styles.

Aloof and disinterested, socially awkward, rigid, uses stereotyped behaviours

Has differences in body language and proximity which impacts how they move their bodies in the social context. They may stim which is a form of self-regulation and communication. This is due to sensory processing differences and how they modulate sensory input.

Gets distracted by redundant information

Gets distracted by sensory stimuli which they find distressing or aversive, impacting on their communication, attention, and learning.

Reference: Divergent Perspectives (2022, Aug 29). Neurodivergent Report Writing.



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